Do you still have lots more to go for minimum spend with one of your credit cards? This is a great opportunity to use your credit card for that minimum spend and either use the GC at a later point, or give it as a gift. You an even purchase an eGift Card!
Just use your Membership Rewards enrolled credit card to purchase the AMEX Gift Card and your membership rewards points will be automatically deducted. It's as simple as that!
There are two ways to enter the Season of Surprises sweepstakes, either by purchasing an American Express Gift Card and entering that information into the form or by emailing them and receiving the codes via email. For every Gift Card you purchase you can enter to win money or prizes. You must register with your email address and Gift Card number. Only 1 email address/Gift Card Number per day can be entered. Click here to enter the American Express Gift Card Sweepstakes without making a purchase and select the click here link. You will receive an email with the two codes you will need to enter them into this registration page for the Season of Surprises Sweepstakes. Afterwards, you will receive another email confirming your entry into the sweepstakes. Some people are reporting that they are winning $25 American Express Gift Cards. So, take a minute to enter every day for a chance to win!