Due to the recession, this year the credit card companies have been trying to lure new customers with some amazing offers! Don't miss out on some of the best deals that have ever been offered from credit card companies. These cards offer free travel, cash, gifts and more. But these credit cards are only for you if you have good to excellent credit and will be able to pay off your monthly balances.
I just love the bonus offers from the United MileagePlus Explorer Card and Continental Airlines OnePass Plus Card. These cards offer the same bonuses and terms and conditions because the two airlines merged in 2010. They are still in the process of integration which we are reaping the benefits from. After you have received your 40,000 bonus miles from each of the cards you can merge them together for a total of 80,000 miles. That's a free return ticket from The Middle East to the US!! And if you have a partner, they can too take advantage of this offer! After your first use you earn 25,000 bonus miles, 5,000 bonus miles when you add an authorized user to your account and use your card, both within two months of opening your account. 10,000 Bonus Miles Annually When You Spend $25,000 on Your Card.
Besides Travel, you may use Miles for Car Rentals and Hotel Stays.
United MileagePlus® Explorer Card
Excellent Credit Needed
Continental Airlines OnePass® Plus Card
Excellent Credit Needed
I just love the bonus offers from the United MileagePlus Explorer Card and Continental Airlines OnePass Plus Card. These cards offer the same bonuses and terms and conditions because the two airlines merged in 2010. They are still in the process of integration which we are reaping the benefits from. After you have received your 40,000 bonus miles from each of the cards you can merge them together for a total of 80,000 miles. That's a free return ticket from The Middle East to the US!! And if you have a partner, they can too take advantage of this offer! After your first use you earn 25,000 bonus miles, 5,000 bonus miles when you add an authorized user to your account and use your card, both within two months of opening your account. 10,000 Bonus Miles Annually When You Spend $25,000 on Your Card.
Besides Travel, you may use Miles for Car Rentals and Hotel Stays.
United MileagePlus® Explorer Card
Excellent Credit Needed
Intro APR | Intro APR Period | Regular APR | Annual Fee | Balance Transfers | Credit Needed |
N/A* | N/A* | 14.24%*(Variable) | $95, waived the first year* | Yes* | Excellent Credit |
Continental Airlines OnePass® Plus Card
Excellent Credit Needed