Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Petition For Our Right To Receive Free Credit Score

There is a petition that you can sign, if you believe that people have the "right" to not only see their credit reports, but also their credit scores. Sign up now at Below you will find a video by Money Talk News on this topic.

Earn More Points with MileagePlus Shopping

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If you have a United or Continental Credit Card you have access to the MileagePlus Shopping Portal.
Going on right now they have a special for spring, where you can earn double miles at certain retailers
until March 31st. - 6 miles per dollars
Coupon code SEARS2012 gets you $5 off a $50 order
Coupon code SPRING35 gets you $35 off a $350 order

JCPenney - 8 miles per dollar

I know that 6 miles per dollar for Sears isn't the amazing 10 points per dollar Chase was offering for a while
at their Ultimate Rewards Mall, but it's certainly better than the 5 points they are currently offering if your main airline is United. In the past I have been able to purchase e-Gift Cards at and receive miles from MileagePlus, using a non-Chase credit card. So, I believe you would probably get miles for purchasing gift cards through them and then receive miles again when using the Gift Card. I would only use the coupon code when using the Gift Card. Let us know if you try this and if it worked.

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