Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Earn 50% more US Airways Dividend Air Miles When You Shop for Spring

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Through June 30, 2012, you can earn 50% more miles when shopping through the US Airways Dividend Miles Shopping Portal, but you must first register.
Click here to register for US Airways Springtime 50% bonus.

Club Carlson Big Night Giveaway: 17 Nights WORLDWIDE Hotel Stay for $300 or Less

Join me with this promotion. I have registered for both!

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There are 2 promotions going on right now and 1 to come May 22!

Here is what you need to do:

  1. If you don't have a Club Carlson Account register here for an extra 2,000 points
  2. Join Club Carlson for business which takes 10 days to be approved. I have signed up today and am awaiting approval. This account number will be called a "PCR number" and will provide you with an additional 10 points per dollar.

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