Tuesday, November 8, 2011


The other day I was thinking that would be great if their was a website that lists programs that give rewards credit and how much. Well, today I read about this amazing website. It's called evreward.com and does precisely what I wanted to see and even more. They even list coupons too! All you have to do is type the online store that you would like to do purchases at and it lists all the programs you can redeem rewards for and for how much. This also includes Big Crumbs and the like. The only problem is, is that is doesn't include Chase, which has really good rewards (usually much better than MileagePlus Shopping). But now, you only have to go to two places to check out the best rewards, Chase and evreward.com! I have noticed that it is not always perfectly accurate. But it's usually only off by one percentage point.
Enjoy your rewards!


  1. I'd also recommend cash back shopping when buying online. I like to compare the sites to save the most cash each time. My personal favorite is www.cashreporter.com

  2. We just launched a new cashback comparison tool at http://www.savingcashback.com/ The site compares cashback rebate rates for thousands of stores from over 30 different cashback sites.

    We also have a search engine for discount giftcards, that aggregates offers from gift card resellers such as Cardpool, Plastic Jungle, and more. You can find a list of available discount giftcards at http://www.savingcashback.com/giftcards

    We also built a cashback comparison bookmarklet, that if you save into your browser toolbar, you can go directly to the cashback comparison page for a merchant directly from their site while you're shopping. We hope you get a chance to check it out, and let us know of any other ways we can improve on the cashback shopping experience.



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